Passive Moments

for Percussion Trio and Electronics, 2020 - 10”

  • vibraphone (2)

  • glockenspiel

  • low drum (2)

  • bass drum

Commissioned by Zach Wilson, Malcolm Taylor, and Ben Hausman.

Inquire About Score

There are moments that I, and hopefully everyone has that are so deeply ingrained in our person that exist as a mental image, or for me like a moving still-life. For me, as a child, I distinctly remember a spring morning playing in my parents’ front yard. I can still picture the blue plastic seats of the swing set, the bright yellow slide, and if I try hard enough, I can remember the sweet but pungent smell of the Chesapeake Bay. This is a memory that holds particular credence to the significance of this piece: Zach Wilson and I lived on the same street. This particular early spring day, for which there is no exact date, is something that I don’t think he might remember; but he might remember the feeling of the type of spring day that was so distinct to Chesapeake Beach, at least in the way that I remember it. In that sense, the very nature, the construction, the impetus for this piece is to share a moment with someone.

And there are times when I try to imagine myself there again, and that is what Passive Moments is: it is a reminder of that moment. It is distinctly not a re-creation, since such things are impossible with the way that human memory works; but it is a reminder of how a moment can feel.